What is ALBM 

ALBM lets you prepare, store, track, and share your and your family’s most important documents, leaving you and your loved ones better equipped to face the inevitable and the unexpected. 


There are currently $80 Billion dollars of unclaimed assets in the United States. 

The average cost to secure legal help to find estate related documents is $10,000+

Over 71% of consumers cited their estate planning process to be confusing, tedious & complex.


Use our step-by-step digital questionnaire to guide you through which documents are essential when preparing for the unexpected.


Upload all of your key documents to one safe & secure digital location.


ALBM consolidates your legacy planning documents and financial information, providing you with unparalleled access and convenience.


Provide designated loved ones with access to necessary information at the appropriate time.


Your Security and Safety is our #1 priority!

We take all precautionary measures to ensure your important documents are stored in a safe and secure place as manageable upon your command. ALBM will always provide you with the ability to access your life’s assets in a seamless and dependable manner.

Password Protection

SSL Encryption

Two-Factor Authentication

Login Protection

Secure Sharing

How ALBM Works


1. Organize your documents

2. Store

3. Securely manage files